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2015: mixed emotions

2015 will be a year remembered with mixed emotions. We were very happy to welcome visitors from many countries and several continents here to our training centre. At home the family saw new additions in Lotta, Leo and Tia, and Freya, the cat. Maya and Skye did their first trials in the spring and had qualified for the top trial class by mid-summer. Our spring puppies left for France, Switzerland, US, Belgium and Italy, and the French Open sheepdog trial we organised here at our farm in October became a fantastic event with participants from 12 countries.

But 2015 was also the year when Jim, after having shown signs of fatigue all winter, was diagnosed with the tick-born Lyme disease after months of visiting many types of vets. He was put on rest and an aggressive treatment over summer. During his first trial back in the fields, the French national championship, he worked like a dream and ended up 3d! And Nell had clearly benefited from all the work she'd had to do to cover for her man and came 9th! In September Jim and Skye participated in the international trial the Seven Sisters in England, and dad won overall with Skye taking an amazing 4th place.

2016 has started at full speed with Maya and Skye representing France in the European nursery championship in Holland, and both of them and their parents representing France in the Mediterranean championship in Portugal. After a quick visit to Spain for a trial in April, both Jim and Nell will participate in the team qualifier in May. And we're hoping to have the last litter of Nell and Jim in the winter. It looks like we might have another exciting year! :-)

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Training centre for dogs and owners, open every day of the year except when we have events.


We speak English, French, German, Swedish and Japanese.



3 route du Mesnil
27 320 St Germain sur Avre
0033 6 84 25 14 53

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Created by Memephore.

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