Skye 3d in the Med. Championship!
The 2022 Mediterranean championship took place in Portugal this year, as usual seeing qualified teams from France, Italy, Spain and...

In the team again! Fingers crossed that this time it will happen...
Once again Skye has qualified for the French team, this time for the Mediterranean championship 2022, held in Portugal this year. We're...

Skye in the team again!
All the trials we'd planned to do were cancelled due to the sanitary situation, and so it came to be that our first trial since September...

End February Sabine drove Tia to Wales for a romantic rendez-vous with a handsome farm boy and in the middle of lock-down and lambing,...

Nell again wearing the French colours in the Mediterranean Championship
The 4th Mediterranean Championship was held in Italy, and for the 3d time Nell was representing France. The trial was held only one week...

Skye 10th dog in the team for the world trial 2020
4 different qualifier trials held all over France during the summer 2019 decided which dogs were called upon to represent France in the...

Skye in the French team 2019
Daddy Jim retired from trialing last year and since in France only two dogs per handler are allowed to qualify for the big championships,...

Nell in the French team
This weekend Nell represented France in the Mediterranean championship, featuring France, Spain, Italy and Portugal. She did a great job...

The whole family qualified
As the only handler in France, Sabine managed to qualify 4 dogs to the French nationals: mom Nell, dad Jim, son Skye and daughter Maya....

Another Vivod finalist hat for Maya
As usual the whole pack crammed into the van came August and headed for the hills in Wales. In our first trial, the classic 150 year old...